Meet Liam

families | seniors | expecting parents | adoption | couples

Empathetic, Intimate, Kind

To me, family are the people that we share our lives with, whether they're biological or chosen. They are the ones who see us and know us deeply. Family means loving, accepting, and being present for one another as we naturally evolve & navigate through this human experience – the beautiful parts and the difficult parts.

Being gay myself, I used to believe I had to downplay my queerness in predominantly straight social and work environments. In time, I've come to realize that not only do I not need to hide those aspects of who I am, but that being Queer is actually a superpower that informs everything about who I am and empowers me to be a better human being.

I’ve been a working photographer for over 10 years now and my photography style is certainly based in photojournalism and documentary visual storytelling. I am always striving to make photos that tell a story and captures the truth, beauty and spirit of my subjects.

*Liam specializes in film photography, in-home sessions, and natural light studio portraits.